TVA 1000/2020 Extra Hydrogen Tank Rental

We offer extra TVA hydrogen tank rentals when the two tanks that come with the rental are not enough.  The hydrogen gas tank has a volume of 85 cc which provides approximately 8 hours when fully charged (2200 psi MAX at 25°C).  The TVA 1000 and TVA 2020 require ultra-high purity hydrogen as the fuel source.

NOTICE: If the hydrogen tanks need to be shipped filled with hydrogen, it is a hazardous shipment and will incur extra shipping fees.  The tank MUST BE VENTED/EMPTY when shipping them back.  We include the hydrogen tank fill adaptor if you prefer to find your own source of ultra-high purity hydrogen to fill them.

Rental Rates
Daily Weekly Monthly
$18.00 $36.00 $116.00