Used Turn-Key Remediation Systems
Enviro-Equipment sells used remediation equipment. The list below is constantly updated, however we typically have items that may not be shown below.
Below is a list of our in stock used turn key remediation systems. We typically stock used Air Sparge, Soil Vapor Extraction, Dual Phase Extraction and Pump and Treat Systems. These systems can be on skids, in buildings, trailers or shipping containers.
Enviro-Equipment, Inc. sells complete remediation systems installed in buildings or trailers made to order. We can install new equipment, used equipment or a combination of both to meet you needs and budget. On occasion we will purchase and\or refurbish complete systems installed in buildings or trailers. When available these units will be shown below. We also buy used equipment, trailers and buildings. Let us know if you have some to sell.
Win bids through Used Remediation System Buildings by paying a fraction of the new price! Used Remediation System Buildings can save you money without added risk of increased downtime. New Equipment combined with Used Equipment will still save you money and allow for more flexibility in Equipment selection.
All of our used turn key remediation systems listed below are available for rent.