There are several options for investigating the more common indoor air quality components such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, relative humidity, and temperature.
The TSI 9555X outfitted with the 982 IAQ Probe can be used for spot checking areas or performing long term data logging for all of the above listed constituents. The meter includes software to help create graphs and compile statistical data for analysis. It is an ideal instrument for studies of proper ventilation, troubleshooting HVAC systems, and investigating workplace discomfort due to air quality. Our units receive an annual calibration as well as a field calibration before they are rented to ensure accuracy and quality.
Simple single gas monitors are available to monitor gases individually. For instance, the ToxiRAE Pro CO2 Meter detects carbon dioxide only and the ToxiRAE Pro CO Meter detects carbon monoxide only. One advantage to single gas monitors is that they tend to have a greater range of detection for that constituent than a multi gas detector.
Equipment has many features that must be considered to ensure that you are getting the right equipment for your job application. Some optional features to consider when selecting equipment include software for datalogging purposes, internal pumps for drawing air across the sensors, sensor range, and sensor design.