Remediation Field Services

Who's doing your remediation system installation work?

That's a good question! Senior professionals who could be better utilized managing staff and projects? Junior professionals who need to be billable but are inexperienced? A person who was available but hasn't received 40- hour OSHA training? Or, perhaps you are a company who is tired of the expense of maintaining full-time employees to accomplish part-time work.

Speaking of expenses, what about the remediation equipment your field personnel are installing? Is it properly maintained? Is it performing the way it was intended? Are you getting good contaminant removal?

How can Enviro-Equipment, Inc. help you address these concerns?

Now we can provide you with experienced, properly trained environmental professionals who will accomplish your remediation system installation and operation and maintenance tasks using the quality equipment and supplies you have come to know and trust us for! And, we'll do it at a price that will make your budgets more practical and manageable!

Support, not competition.

Enviro-Equipment, Inc. is here to support you, not compete with you. Our field personnel will only carry out tasks as directed by your staff and registered professionals.

How can we help?

Enviro-Equipment, Inc. can provide the personnel, equipment, and supplies for the accomplishment of your field tasks.

Our field personnel are 40-Hour HAZWOPER trained and have an average of 10 years experience in the environmental field. They are the right people at the right hourly rate and know how to do their job.

A staff of experienced technicians maintains our equipment. You can rest assured that it is functioning properly. The burden of operator error, equipment damage, and equipment failure due to a lack of maintenance is removed from you.

We stock all of the supplies that are needed for the accomplishment of your field tasks. When we do the planning for you there is no risk of forgetting something necessary for the completion of your work.

The right people, the right equipment, the right supplies — one source!

What can we do?

Field WorkService
Remediation System InstallationEquipment Offloading and Mounting
Electrical Connections and Telemetry
System Plumbing and Manifolds
Remediation System Operation & MaintenanceMaintain Compressors and Blowers, Train Your Employees on System Operation\Maintenance
Remediation System DecommissioningSystem Disassembly
Fence, System Skid, Building or Trailer Removal
Site Restoration

Please contact us to discuss services not covered on this table!

What do we charge?

ServicesFee Schedule
Remediation Technician$100/Hour
Senior Service Technician$125/Hour
Service Truck Charge$50/Day
Health & Safety Equipment Charge$15/Day/Technician (Level D)
Travel Expense (Hotel, Tolls, Parking)Actual Cost x 1.15
Per Diem (Meals)$50/Day Technician
Equipment Rental RatesStandard per published fee schedule
Supply ChargesStandard per published fee schedule

Please contact us to discuss any special circumstances not covered on this table!