The dipper-Tough is a rugged, top quality instrument used for measuring static and falling head levels in waste disposal and remediation sites and other harsh environments. The drawDown feature on the dipper-Tough makes this unit ideal to use during pump and treat testing when contaminates are found in the groundwater.
The hydrocarbon resistant Kynar jacketed, high tensile steel core tape is embedded directly into the probe body, allowing for longer life of the tape and probe** when used in harsh environments. The dipper-Tough is manufactured without a link, which may deteriorate in corrosive or high temperature environments, to extend the life of the meter. Heron Instruments recommends not to use any water level meter in both harsh environments and potable water as there could be cross contamination. We recommend our dipper-T2 for use in potable water.
- Electronic Module (IP65) – change mode for static and drawDown levels, removable for easy cleaning and servicing. Circuits and components are potted to protect from moisture and dust intrusion
- Sensitivity Switch – to adjust for false signals from cascading water
- Probe (IP68) – 5/8” fully pressure/depth rated*, no holes or recesses for contaminate build up
- Tape – high tensile steel, jacketed with Kynar, high break strength, stretch resistant and lifelong legibility – markings in metric (mm) or engineering scale (1/100’)
- Steel Tape Certified/Compliant to – ASME B89.1.7-2009 & MIL-STD-45662A Certified, FED GGG-T-106F & EEC Class II Compliant
- Padded Carry Case – to protect your precision water level meter from the elements
- Hanger – built in, to support the meter at the well head, allows for hands free deployment
- Tape Guide – built in, to protect the tape from sharp edges on the well casing
- Vinyl Holding Grip – molded to the frame, ergonomic easy grip
- Winding Handle – custom made for easy rewinding with gloved hands
*Temporarily Submersible
**If the probe gets damaged, the probe and part of the tape would be sacrificed.