RAE Hand Pump Rental

  • Hand-powered pump for use with colorimetric tubes (tubes purchased separately).
  • Fits wide range of tubes
  • Built-in counter keeps track of number of strokes.
  • Draws fixed volume of gas - either 50 mL or 100 mL samples.
Rental Rates
Daily Weekly Monthly
$31.00 $96.00 $240.00

The RAE LP-1200 piston-type hand pump draws a fixed volume of gas, selectable at either 50 mL or 100 mL by rotating the handle. The RAE Hand Pump is used in conjuction with RAE Systems colorimetric gas detection tubes. Using the standard number of pump strokes, the concentration of the gas is read from stain length directly matched to the printed scale after the listed sampling time has elapsed.

  • RAE LP-1200 Piston Hand Pump
  • Carrying Case
  • Instruction Guide