Geology License on the Chopping Block Again in South Carolina

It is 2012 and the LLR in South Carolina has issued their annual report.  In an effort to cut cost, what better program to kill than one that pays for itself like the Geology Licensure Board.   So what is their reason?  Read Below:

“Experience shows consumers rarely rely on licensure in selecting a geologist.   The South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (LLR) maintains a licensee look up feature on its website so the public can easily check the credentials of regulated professions. In 2011, only 1,501 general searches were performed for geologists – the least of any profession or occupation licensed by LLR. Like a number of other professions, Geologists typically work for sophisticated or institutional clients capable of safeguarding their own interests without reference to licensure or government intervention, as underscored by the complete absence of meaningful discipline meted out by the Board of Registration. The vast majority of geologists are employed by firms, government, or extraction companies. In fact, almost ¼ of geologists work for the government. Many geologists earn PhD or master’s degrees; almost 70% of new PhDs are employed in academia and 46% of new master’s graduates work in academia or government. Less that 2.4 percent of geoscientists are self-employed.”  ” With alternatives like certification readily available, deregulation of Geology can be accomplished without threatening the health, safety, and welfare of the public or diminishing consumers ability to discern between competing professionals.”

The report was sent to Gov. Nikki Haley and signed by Catherine Templeton.  If you read the whole report you will grow to understand that Geologists do not protect the public any more than barbers who are also not in need of regulation.  Let Governor Haley and Ms. Templeton know what you think.

Brian E Chew Sr. P.G.


Raymond Knox

It is pretty bad when a decision like this is made without consulting the affected professionals. The report is replete with a total lack of understanding of the licensed profession slated for elimination. For instance, if the PG license is eliminated, only those folks holding PG’s from other states will easily meet the Environmental Professional definition in ASTM E-1527 and USEPA’s AAI rule. Therefore they will not be “qualified” to complete Phase I ESAs or USEPA AAI investigations. I would wager that the head of LLR is not sophisticated enough to know what that is or the implications thereof. This went to the Senate Labor Commerce and Industry committee, Sen. Greg Ryberg-Chairman.


Thanks Raymond. It gets old every 4-6 years having to go through this. They clearly have no understanding of the broadness of the geological field and what we do to protect the environment, generate sources of energy, provide early warnings for natural disasters and ways to prevent them and much more.

Jim Falls

“……..since registered geologists are well behaved, perform their work with professionalism and attention to detail, and do not invite public criticism, that there is no reason to have a system in place (registration) to help assure that only qualified geologists are able to practice geology.”

You are right on the money on this one! If the crime rate drops to low levels in your city, eliminate the Police Department. You obviously don’t need them. Peace and Love are once again upon the land!

People forget that, like raising children, many individuals behave themselves only because they know someone is watching………

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